A wonderful mystery! Over the past two decades, there has been much speculation about the origin of the 1990 Sri Yantra earth scraping that appeared in a remote dry lake bed in Oregon, near the Idaho border. Nearly as soon as the discovery was made tales of illuminated objects–spheres of light, made headlines along with claims by individuals asserting to have made the design.
Might it ALL be connected?
Among the related phenomenon called, crop circles, it is well noted by researchers that the appearances of light phenomena is often repeatedly sighted in the same fields where both natuaral and man-made formations have been created. Might this phenomena also have played a role in the Sri Yantra earth etching? What motivating stimulus inspired the builders to select the site, and pattern? History has shown that one need not be aware of the phenomena in order to be deeply interacting with it.
The Discovery
A very large, perfectly formed, ancient Hindu mandala called the Sri Yantra was discovered inscribed into the dry lake bed by an Air National Guard pilot on a normal training run from a base near Boise, Idaho. This symbol was over a quarter of a mile in length, and consisted of over 13 miles of lines etched into the impacted mud 3”-10” deep. No human or tire tracks were found anywhere near the site. A group of 5 artists from Iowa claimed responsibility for the symbol’s appearance saying they carved the entire design with a garden cultivator during a nine-day period. No other pilots or anyone else reported seeing the design at any stage of construction.
“Analysis of the formation’s line indicated that the soil had been removed, whereas the artists’ garden cultivator / plow method produced small mounds of dirt on either side of their demonstration lines left from where they plowed,” according to ICCRA.
Stranger Yet
Two researchers, Don Newman and Alan Decker visited the site on September 15, 1990, and reported the symbol as being furrowed into the dry lake bed about 3″ deep, noting that the area was noticeably missing any signs of tire tracks or foot prints even though their own tire tracks left 1/4″ deep marks on the crusty surface of the dry lake bed. After further investigation their colleague, Jim Deardorff, wrote the story for UFO Magazine.
A little over a year later, Deardorff learned from Jennifer Brown-Jacobs, who at the time had been head of the Portland UFO Group, that two men had a UFO sighting in the area during this same period. They’d been camping with a sail-plane group at the western edge of the Alvord Desert near that dry lake bed. Their sighting took place the evening of July 5 or 6th around 10 pm. They reported seeing an array of three bright lights, the color of sodium-vapor lamps, forming an equilateral triangular with the apex facing upwards to the northeast. The array occupied about three degrees width and lasted ten minutes.
They didn’t think much of it at the time and when they looked that way again 20 minutes later the lights were gone. However, they noticed a strange small puffy cloud where the lights had been. Extending from the cloud were two straight appendages positioned at 2:30 and 8:30 respectively at 12 degrees overall. They estimated its location as eight miles away and 15 degrees above the horizon. This placed it directly over the dry lake bed. They watched the stationary cloud for about an hour. Due to the eyewitness accounts, the sighting was classified as an unidentified, and was later associated with the Sri Yantra earth scraping. After the story broke, a group of artists claimed they had created the Sri Yantra.
Speculation continued after reviewing all the evidence of this case and researcheres wondered at the improbability of a group of older, well dressed men from another state, would go to such great lengths to convince the public that they were responsible for the design.
Well, now. You Decide!
“It has been noted that certain geometric structures enliven and amplify specific laws or forces of Nature. When these laws or forces of Nature become stronger, they consistently influence the total environment, including human physiology and consciousness.”
Sri Yantra Symbology, see Dee Finey’s Great Dreams.
Crop circles are geometric patterns that suddenly appear in fields during the night. Some believe that crop circles may be created by acoustic vibration and are believed to be messages from higher intelligence. The geometric shapes are often considered frequency gates. See our related article on the 16-rayed Star Petroglyph in Machu Picchu with similar geometry to the Sri Yantra and based on 16-fold hypercube tesseract physics.
Yantras are expressions of the Deity in geometrical form. Among Shakti worship, the Sri-Yantra is considered the holiest and the most significant of these.
A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in silver or copper. It is also drawn or illustrated sometimes on a special paper using various colors and symbols pertaining to the method of the Yantra to be made. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one’s desires, and fulfill one’s wishes. It is said that the ‘Devas’ (Gods) or Deities (Goddess) reside in the Yantras and by performing ‘Puja’ or worship of Yantras, one can appease the Deities, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences.
Just as each planet has a mantra, a special sound energy, each planet also possesses a yantra or special energy pattern. The Yantra is a special geometric design, the visible form, the energy body of the mantra, and the planet to which it corresponds. Sometimes Yantras supplement the power of mantras, and are as strong as the mantras themselves. If a mantra is the invisible driving force, the yantra is the visible means to gain power and wealth and ward off evil and illnesses, nullify the ill effects of planets, and bring good fortune. They are said to enhance your capabilities and bless one with material comfort and spiritual benefit.
The elements of Yantra:
According to Vedic philosophy the natural elements produce different effects in the Yantra when energized through worship and meditation.
The five elements in this universe are: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether (Akash). To energize a Yantra sit on the ground in an open space, where you can have a clear vision of the sky, holding the image in your minds eye.
The Sri Yantra is composed of a square on the outside with four projections forming a T-shape structure, circles, a row of Lotus petals, and triangular forms inside the Lotus petals. Sometimes there are two triangles overlapping each other, making a six pointed star; sometimes many triangles are superimposed on each other in a pyramid form; and inside all these geometrical forms is a point or a sound.
The Point (Bindu):
A point, called Bindu in Tantra, holds a very significant position in the Yantra and is the center of the geometrical structure. The point signifies unity, the origin, and the principle of manifestation and release of the supreme consciousness. The point has great metaphysical significance and is the point of the union between the aspirant and divine. It gives to invisible form a substance, and manifests the invisible enabling the aspirant means to connect with the divine.
The Circle:
A circle is the expansion of a point. The point is the most condensed form of energy, and a circle is its extension. With the radius of desire, this point draws a circumference around itself and it expands. This expansion is growth in dimension, which broadens the scope of a point, yet it also imprisons the point as an individual unit, creating individual consciousness out of cosmic consciousness. Thus, you can connect your individual desires to the cosmic consciousness by concentrating on the circle during the energizing worship.
The Triangle:
A triangle, composed of three lines, is needed to make a pattern or form. A horizontal line representing inactivity and stability forms the base of the triangle. The two vertical lines meeting at a point on the box of the horizontal line represents the principle of movement: the transition from static to dynamic. A triangle pointing upwards draws the attention up and away from the world. It represents the male energy or the Yang forces. A triangle pointing downwards takes the attention down and represents the female energy or the Yin forces. Equilateral triangles represent balance or harmony between the Yang and Yin forces. As our desires take shape or form, we do not lose our balance.
The Square:
A square is made of four lines, two of which are vertical lines representing movement and two are horizontal lines representing stability. Together it creates a balance. Thus the confined space inside the square represents our materialistic need in life, stability, solidity, and contentment.
Lotus Petals:
Concentric Circles:
Finally, the concentric circles around or inside a triangle represent the three Gunas. These are the three primal qualities of nature called “SATWA”, “RAJAS” and “TAMAS”.
The Sri Yantra consists of a series of nine triangles superimposed around a small central circle known as Bindu, forming forty-three Konas (or triangular projections). Four of them called Srikanthas (or the shiva triangles), having their apex upwards. The other five are superimposed upon the former with apex dowards. They are the five shiva-yuvatis (or shakti-triangles).
The Bindu represents shiva-shakti in the union in the casual state from which all the other parts of the diagram, representing the cosmos, are evolved. These are surrounded by two circles of lotuses, one with eight petals (Vasudalam) and the other with sixteen petals (Kalasram). The whole mandala of 16 petals is called ‘Fulfiller of Desire’. The red Devi is Tripureshi, her vidya is Aim Klim Sauh. She is described as ornamented with all gems, carrying a book and a rosary. The 16 yoginis are associated with the attainment of desires by the cultivation or strengthening of power over the mind, ego, sound, touch, sight, taste, smell, intellect, steadiness, memory, name, growth, etheric body, revivification, and physical body. Outside these, are three circles (mekhalatraya) around and a rectangular enclosure (Bhupura) of three lines for the whole figure, with four entrances on the four sides.
Sri Yantra An Ancient Divine Symbol of Sound
The Sri Yantra is a series of interlocking triangles with a perfect ratio of 3.14 or the divine number, Pi. It is thought that this ancient symbol was not intellectually constructed, but that it came to a yogi in deep meditation as a representation of the primordial sound, Aum. This symbol, along with sounds like Aum have incredible healing powers if you just know how to use them correctly.
The Sri Yantra is an age-old symbol – with an approximate origination date of over 5000 years ago – which is meant to heal our minds and hearts. If you know anything about energy healing or healing with sound, then you realize the importance of tuning in to a particular vibratory rate in order to elevate the mind and body from its lower, less ideal states, such as those of sickness and depression. You need not suffer from these states of mind. They are illusions of the first class, and many of us have had them for so long that we forget that our natural state is one of joy, vibrant health and, bliss, even.
The Sri Yantra is a collection of 16 interlacing triangles around a Bindu – which is a point of focus for the mind. Bindu literally means ‘point’ or ‘dot’ in the Sanskrit language. If you are using this as a meditation tool, the center point aims at bringing your awareness to a more and more singular point. If you are using the Sri Yantra as a point of contemplation, then you can imagine that the cascade of triangles within the lotus flower is at once a macrocosm and microcosm of the world you live in, with your perception as it is now. While some see Maya as the destructive display of illusion, or the separation of the Divine Mind from the egoic mind, more accurately, it is simply the creative nature of Creation trying to experience Itself. While Maya may keep the veils of true Divine experience out of our current perspective, it also offers a myriad of ways to get back to the Oneness, our true nature, as evidenced by the interlocking triangles in perfect distance from each subsequent set of triangles based on a Pi ratio. .the creative play of Maya!
There are other places that this ratio exists. It is in nature, for example, and quite prolifically displayed. It is in nautilus shells, in the formation of leaves and petals of innumerable plants. The divine ratio shows up in ocean wave patterns, and you guessed it, sount Divine sound oscillates at perfect ratios for our optimum health and recent studies in DNA prove that divine sound can even change our DNA.
This new scientific study takes sound therapy out of the New Age pigeon hole it has been stuck in and brings it into mainstream science. The way scientists were able to change DNA was by using particular frequencies of sound, which are essentially energetic patterns, which then encode the DNA much like a computer programmer dictates how the software will work on your computer by creating a syntax which it recognizes. In fact, the team led by molecular biologist,Pjotr Garjajev, found that DNA responds to sound in the same way language is formed, and even has its own grammar rules! Apparently, our ‘junk’ DNA is actually highly programmable utilizing the right frequencies, such that illness can be healed and even super-human skills like clairvoyance, clairaudience and intense intuition can be programmed right into the molecular structure of human beings.
Linguists even looked at the probability of Garjajev’s research being swayed by his own bias, and they found that there is no statistical way that our DNA is not orderly in its ‘language’ since repeated ‘words’ show up just like in any other language – ones that get used more often, and others which rarely show up to convey an idea. If, in fact, junk DNA holds the keys to opening our true gifts, then it can surely be utilized with sound frequency, to heal us.
The Primordial Sound of Aum
When we pair these findings with the work of Dr. Emoto Masaru (of What the Bleep Do We Know, fame) and countless other energy healers that have come forth with their findings in recent years, then we can see why sound, i.e., the primordial sound, Aum, was so important to ancient yogis. If our Wholeness is contained in a singular point, but can expand to include all there is, then the focus on that one point, vibrationally, should heal all that is out of whack, by nature of aligning it with its true nature. Some esoteric teachings go as far as to say that the Sri Yantra is the holder of ancient holographic wisdom and healing science akin to that of crystalline structures, like quartz. Others say it contains information about the electromagnetic alignment of our poles to the earth’s ley lines. The Sri Yantra is, for certain, a visual representation of primordial knowledge, and sound is its carry signal.
Might it ALL be connected?
Among the related phenomenon called, crop circles, it is well noted by researchers that the appearances of light phenomena is often repeatedly sighted in the same fields where both natuaral and man-made formations have been created. Might this phenomena also have played a role in the Sri Yantra earth etching? What motivating stimulus inspired the builders to select the site, and pattern? History has shown that one need not be aware of the phenomena in order to be deeply interacting with it.
The Discovery
A very large, perfectly formed, ancient Hindu mandala called the Sri Yantra was discovered inscribed into the dry lake bed by an Air National Guard pilot on a normal training run from a base near Boise, Idaho. This symbol was over a quarter of a mile in length, and consisted of over 13 miles of lines etched into the impacted mud 3”-10” deep. No human or tire tracks were found anywhere near the site. A group of 5 artists from Iowa claimed responsibility for the symbol’s appearance saying they carved the entire design with a garden cultivator during a nine-day period. No other pilots or anyone else reported seeing the design at any stage of construction.
“Analysis of the formation’s line indicated that the soil had been removed, whereas the artists’ garden cultivator / plow method produced small mounds of dirt on either side of their demonstration lines left from where they plowed,” according to ICCRA.
Stranger Yet
Two researchers, Don Newman and Alan Decker visited the site on September 15, 1990, and reported the symbol as being furrowed into the dry lake bed about 3″ deep, noting that the area was noticeably missing any signs of tire tracks or foot prints even though their own tire tracks left 1/4″ deep marks on the crusty surface of the dry lake bed. After further investigation their colleague, Jim Deardorff, wrote the story for UFO Magazine.
A little over a year later, Deardorff learned from Jennifer Brown-Jacobs, who at the time had been head of the Portland UFO Group, that two men had a UFO sighting in the area during this same period. They’d been camping with a sail-plane group at the western edge of the Alvord Desert near that dry lake bed. Their sighting took place the evening of July 5 or 6th around 10 pm. They reported seeing an array of three bright lights, the color of sodium-vapor lamps, forming an equilateral triangular with the apex facing upwards to the northeast. The array occupied about three degrees width and lasted ten minutes.
They didn’t think much of it at the time and when they looked that way again 20 minutes later the lights were gone. However, they noticed a strange small puffy cloud where the lights had been. Extending from the cloud were two straight appendages positioned at 2:30 and 8:30 respectively at 12 degrees overall. They estimated its location as eight miles away and 15 degrees above the horizon. This placed it directly over the dry lake bed. They watched the stationary cloud for about an hour. Due to the eyewitness accounts, the sighting was classified as an unidentified, and was later associated with the Sri Yantra earth scraping. After the story broke, a group of artists claimed they had created the Sri Yantra.
Speculation continued after reviewing all the evidence of this case and researcheres wondered at the improbability of a group of older, well dressed men from another state, would go to such great lengths to convince the public that they were responsible for the design.
Well, now. You Decide!
“It has been noted that certain geometric structures enliven and amplify specific laws or forces of Nature. When these laws or forces of Nature become stronger, they consistently influence the total environment, including human physiology and consciousness.”
Sri Yantra Symbology, see Dee Finey’s Great Dreams.
- The Sri Yantra is a sacred geometry that orginated in India
- It is composed of 9 interlocked triangles
- It is very difficult to draw without errors at the intersections
- There a many variations of the Sri Yantra
- There are many different methods to draw it
- Nobody seems to know what the original configuration is
- There are three main forms of the Sri Yantra: Plane, pyramidal, spherical
Crop circles are geometric patterns that suddenly appear in fields during the night. Some believe that crop circles may be created by acoustic vibration and are believed to be messages from higher intelligence. The geometric shapes are often considered frequency gates. See our related article on the 16-rayed Star Petroglyph in Machu Picchu with similar geometry to the Sri Yantra and based on 16-fold hypercube tesseract physics.
Yantras are expressions of the Deity in geometrical form. Among Shakti worship, the Sri-Yantra is considered the holiest and the most significant of these.
A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in silver or copper. It is also drawn or illustrated sometimes on a special paper using various colors and symbols pertaining to the method of the Yantra to be made. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one’s desires, and fulfill one’s wishes. It is said that the ‘Devas’ (Gods) or Deities (Goddess) reside in the Yantras and by performing ‘Puja’ or worship of Yantras, one can appease the Deities, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences.
Just as each planet has a mantra, a special sound energy, each planet also possesses a yantra or special energy pattern. The Yantra is a special geometric design, the visible form, the energy body of the mantra, and the planet to which it corresponds. Sometimes Yantras supplement the power of mantras, and are as strong as the mantras themselves. If a mantra is the invisible driving force, the yantra is the visible means to gain power and wealth and ward off evil and illnesses, nullify the ill effects of planets, and bring good fortune. They are said to enhance your capabilities and bless one with material comfort and spiritual benefit.
The elements of Yantra:
According to Vedic philosophy the natural elements produce different effects in the Yantra when energized through worship and meditation.
The five elements in this universe are: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether (Akash). To energize a Yantra sit on the ground in an open space, where you can have a clear vision of the sky, holding the image in your minds eye.
The Sri Yantra is composed of a square on the outside with four projections forming a T-shape structure, circles, a row of Lotus petals, and triangular forms inside the Lotus petals. Sometimes there are two triangles overlapping each other, making a six pointed star; sometimes many triangles are superimposed on each other in a pyramid form; and inside all these geometrical forms is a point or a sound.
The Point (Bindu):
A point, called Bindu in Tantra, holds a very significant position in the Yantra and is the center of the geometrical structure. The point signifies unity, the origin, and the principle of manifestation and release of the supreme consciousness. The point has great metaphysical significance and is the point of the union between the aspirant and divine. It gives to invisible form a substance, and manifests the invisible enabling the aspirant means to connect with the divine.
The Circle:
A circle is the expansion of a point. The point is the most condensed form of energy, and a circle is its extension. With the radius of desire, this point draws a circumference around itself and it expands. This expansion is growth in dimension, which broadens the scope of a point, yet it also imprisons the point as an individual unit, creating individual consciousness out of cosmic consciousness. Thus, you can connect your individual desires to the cosmic consciousness by concentrating on the circle during the energizing worship.
The Triangle:
A triangle, composed of three lines, is needed to make a pattern or form. A horizontal line representing inactivity and stability forms the base of the triangle. The two vertical lines meeting at a point on the box of the horizontal line represents the principle of movement: the transition from static to dynamic. A triangle pointing upwards draws the attention up and away from the world. It represents the male energy or the Yang forces. A triangle pointing downwards takes the attention down and represents the female energy or the Yin forces. Equilateral triangles represent balance or harmony between the Yang and Yin forces. As our desires take shape or form, we do not lose our balance.
The Square:
A square is made of four lines, two of which are vertical lines representing movement and two are horizontal lines representing stability. Together it creates a balance. Thus the confined space inside the square represents our materialistic need in life, stability, solidity, and contentment.
Lotus Petals:
- A Lotus represents the 5 natural elements of the universe; Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether in its purest form. The lotus petals in a Yantra usually appear in a circle, which itself is inside a square. These lotus petals are known as the lunar mansion or Chandra (Moon) Mandal and the circle outside is known as the Solar Mansion or the Surya (Sun) Mandala.
- The Surya Mandal is portrayed by 12 lotus petals. This represents the twelve signs of the zodiac that the Sun will move through during the year.
- The Lunar mansion is shown with sixteen petals. The Moon has 16 phases or 16 Kalas during its cycle from new moon to full moon.
- If the petals do not represent either solar or lunar mansions in the Yantra, then it refers to the manifested reality; which is eightfold. This eightfold manifested energy is the phenomenal world consists of fire elements of the Universe. Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Ether together with mind, intellect and ego. A Lotus represents these elements in its pure form.
Concentric Circles:
Finally, the concentric circles around or inside a triangle represent the three Gunas. These are the three primal qualities of nature called “SATWA”, “RAJAS” and “TAMAS”.
- “SATWA”, is the highest quality and is the nature of light, lightness, clarity, harmony, balance, and intelligence. It is the divine quality that brings about the upward movement of the soul. It creates peace, love, and faith and brings the person into a spiritual life.
- “RAJAS” is the intermediate quality and is the nature of energy, action, turbulence, distraction, disturbance, violence and passion. It is the demonic quality and keeps the soul in the middle worlds. It creates aggression, competition and drives the person to seek worldly acquisition and achievement as the main goal in life.
- “TAMAS” is the lower quality and is the nature of inertia and darkness. It is the animal quality that keeps the soul bound in the lower and unconscious realm.
The Sri Yantra consists of a series of nine triangles superimposed around a small central circle known as Bindu, forming forty-three Konas (or triangular projections). Four of them called Srikanthas (or the shiva triangles), having their apex upwards. The other five are superimposed upon the former with apex dowards. They are the five shiva-yuvatis (or shakti-triangles).
The Bindu represents shiva-shakti in the union in the casual state from which all the other parts of the diagram, representing the cosmos, are evolved. These are surrounded by two circles of lotuses, one with eight petals (Vasudalam) and the other with sixteen petals (Kalasram). The whole mandala of 16 petals is called ‘Fulfiller of Desire’. The red Devi is Tripureshi, her vidya is Aim Klim Sauh. She is described as ornamented with all gems, carrying a book and a rosary. The 16 yoginis are associated with the attainment of desires by the cultivation or strengthening of power over the mind, ego, sound, touch, sight, taste, smell, intellect, steadiness, memory, name, growth, etheric body, revivification, and physical body. Outside these, are three circles (mekhalatraya) around and a rectangular enclosure (Bhupura) of three lines for the whole figure, with four entrances on the four sides.
The etching of the Sri Yantra that appeared on a river bed in Oregon in August 1990. |
The Sri Yantra is a series of interlocking triangles with a perfect ratio of 3.14 or the divine number, Pi. It is thought that this ancient symbol was not intellectually constructed, but that it came to a yogi in deep meditation as a representation of the primordial sound, Aum. This symbol, along with sounds like Aum have incredible healing powers if you just know how to use them correctly.
The Sri Yantra is an age-old symbol – with an approximate origination date of over 5000 years ago – which is meant to heal our minds and hearts. If you know anything about energy healing or healing with sound, then you realize the importance of tuning in to a particular vibratory rate in order to elevate the mind and body from its lower, less ideal states, such as those of sickness and depression. You need not suffer from these states of mind. They are illusions of the first class, and many of us have had them for so long that we forget that our natural state is one of joy, vibrant health and, bliss, even.
The Sri Yantra is a collection of 16 interlacing triangles around a Bindu – which is a point of focus for the mind. Bindu literally means ‘point’ or ‘dot’ in the Sanskrit language. If you are using this as a meditation tool, the center point aims at bringing your awareness to a more and more singular point. If you are using the Sri Yantra as a point of contemplation, then you can imagine that the cascade of triangles within the lotus flower is at once a macrocosm and microcosm of the world you live in, with your perception as it is now. While some see Maya as the destructive display of illusion, or the separation of the Divine Mind from the egoic mind, more accurately, it is simply the creative nature of Creation trying to experience Itself. While Maya may keep the veils of true Divine experience out of our current perspective, it also offers a myriad of ways to get back to the Oneness, our true nature, as evidenced by the interlocking triangles in perfect distance from each subsequent set of triangles based on a Pi ratio. .the creative play of Maya!
There are other places that this ratio exists. It is in nature, for example, and quite prolifically displayed. It is in nautilus shells, in the formation of leaves and petals of innumerable plants. The divine ratio shows up in ocean wave patterns, and you guessed it, sount Divine sound oscillates at perfect ratios for our optimum health and recent studies in DNA prove that divine sound can even change our DNA.
This new scientific study takes sound therapy out of the New Age pigeon hole it has been stuck in and brings it into mainstream science. The way scientists were able to change DNA was by using particular frequencies of sound, which are essentially energetic patterns, which then encode the DNA much like a computer programmer dictates how the software will work on your computer by creating a syntax which it recognizes. In fact, the team led by molecular biologist,Pjotr Garjajev, found that DNA responds to sound in the same way language is formed, and even has its own grammar rules! Apparently, our ‘junk’ DNA is actually highly programmable utilizing the right frequencies, such that illness can be healed and even super-human skills like clairvoyance, clairaudience and intense intuition can be programmed right into the molecular structure of human beings.
Linguists even looked at the probability of Garjajev’s research being swayed by his own bias, and they found that there is no statistical way that our DNA is not orderly in its ‘language’ since repeated ‘words’ show up just like in any other language – ones that get used more often, and others which rarely show up to convey an idea. If, in fact, junk DNA holds the keys to opening our true gifts, then it can surely be utilized with sound frequency, to heal us.
The Primordial Sound of Aum
When we pair these findings with the work of Dr. Emoto Masaru (of What the Bleep Do We Know, fame) and countless other energy healers that have come forth with their findings in recent years, then we can see why sound, i.e., the primordial sound, Aum, was so important to ancient yogis. If our Wholeness is contained in a singular point, but can expand to include all there is, then the focus on that one point, vibrationally, should heal all that is out of whack, by nature of aligning it with its true nature. Some esoteric teachings go as far as to say that the Sri Yantra is the holder of ancient holographic wisdom and healing science akin to that of crystalline structures, like quartz. Others say it contains information about the electromagnetic alignment of our poles to the earth’s ley lines. The Sri Yantra is, for certain, a visual representation of primordial knowledge, and sound is its carry signal.
A wonderful mystery! Over the past two decades, there has been much speculation about the origin of the 1990 Sri Yantra earth scraping that appeared in a remote dry lake bed in Oregon, near the Idaho border. Nearly as soon as the discovery was made tales of illuminated objects–spheres of light, made headlines along with claims by individuals asserting to have made the design.
Might it ALL be connected?
Among the related phenomenon called, crop circles, it is well noted by researchers that the appearances of light phenomena is often repeatedly sighted in the same fields where both natuaral and man-made formations have been created. Might this phenomena also have played a role in the Sri Yantra earth etching? What motivating stimulus inspired the builders to select the site, and pattern? History has shown that one need not be aware of the phenomena in order to be deeply interacting with it.
The Discovery
A very large, perfectly formed, ancient Hindu mandala called the Sri Yantra was discovered inscribed into the dry lake bed by an Air National Guard pilot on a normal training run from a base near Boise, Idaho. This symbol was over a quarter of a mile in length, and consisted of over 13 miles of lines etched into the impacted mud 3”-10” deep. No human or tire tracks were found anywhere near the site. A group of 5 artists from Iowa claimed responsibility for the symbol’s appearance saying they carved the entire design with a garden cultivator during a nine-day period. No other pilots or anyone else reported seeing the design at any stage of construction.
“Analysis of the formation’s line indicated that the soil had been removed, whereas the artists’ garden cultivator / plow method produced small mounds of dirt on either side of their demonstration lines left from where they plowed,” according to ICCRA.
Stranger Yet
Two researchers, Don Newman and Alan Decker visited the site on September 15, 1990, and reported the symbol as being furrowed into the dry lake bed about 3″ deep, noting that the area was noticeably missing any signs of tire tracks or foot prints even though their own tire tracks left 1/4″ deep marks on the crusty surface of the dry lake bed. After further investigation their colleague, Jim Deardorff, wrote the story for UFO Magazine.
A little over a year later, Deardorff learned from Jennifer Brown-Jacobs, who at the time had been head of the Portland UFO Group, that two men had a UFO sighting in the area during this same period. They’d been camping with a sail-plane group at the western edge of the Alvord Desert near that dry lake bed. Their sighting took place the evening of July 5 or 6th around 10 pm. They reported seeing an array of three bright lights, the color of sodium-vapor lamps, forming an equilateral triangular with the apex facing upwards to the northeast. The array occupied about three degrees width and lasted ten minutes.
They didn’t think much of it at the time and when they looked that way again 20 minutes later the lights were gone. However, they noticed a strange small puffy cloud where the lights had been. Extending from the cloud were two straight appendages positioned at 2:30 and 8:30 respectively at 12 degrees overall. They estimated its location as eight miles away and 15 degrees above the horizon. This placed it directly over the dry lake bed. They watched the stationary cloud for about an hour. Due to the eyewitness accounts, the sighting was classified as an unidentified, and was later associated with the Sri Yantra earth scraping. After the story broke, a group of artists claimed they had created the Sri Yantra.
Speculation continued after reviewing all the evidence of this case and researcheres wondered at the improbability of a group of older, well dressed men from another state, would go to such great lengths to convince the public that they were responsible for the design.
Well, now. You Decide!
“It has been noted that certain geometric structures enliven and amplify specific laws or forces of Nature. When these laws or forces of Nature become stronger, they consistently influence the total environment, including human physiology and consciousness.”
Sri Yantra Symbology, see Dee Finey’s Great Dreams.
Crop circles are geometric patterns that suddenly appear in fields during the night. Some believe that crop circles may be created by acoustic vibration and are believed to be messages from higher intelligence. The geometric shapes are often considered frequency gates. See our related article on the 16-rayed Star Petroglyph in Machu Picchu with similar geometry to the Sri Yantra and based on 16-fold hypercube tesseract physics.
Yantras are expressions of the Deity in geometrical form. Among Shakti worship, the Sri-Yantra is considered the holiest and the most significant of these.
A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in silver or copper. It is also drawn or illustrated sometimes on a special paper using various colors and symbols pertaining to the method of the Yantra to be made. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one’s desires, and fulfill one’s wishes. It is said that the ‘Devas’ (Gods) or Deities (Goddess) reside in the Yantras and by performing ‘Puja’ or worship of Yantras, one can appease the Deities, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences.
Just as each planet has a mantra, a special sound energy, each planet also possesses a yantra or special energy pattern. The Yantra is a special geometric design, the visible form, the energy body of the mantra, and the planet to which it corresponds. Sometimes Yantras supplement the power of mantras, and are as strong as the mantras themselves. If a mantra is the invisible driving force, the yantra is the visible means to gain power and wealth and ward off evil and illnesses, nullify the ill effects of planets, and bring good fortune. They are said to enhance your capabilities and bless one with material comfort and spiritual benefit.
The elements of Yantra:
According to Vedic philosophy the natural elements produce different effects in the Yantra when energized through worship and meditation.
The five elements in this universe are: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether (Akash). To energize a Yantra sit on the ground in an open space, where you can have a clear vision of the sky, holding the image in your minds eye.
The Sri Yantra is composed of a square on the outside with four projections forming a T-shape structure, circles, a row of Lotus petals, and triangular forms inside the Lotus petals. Sometimes there are two triangles overlapping each other, making a six pointed star; sometimes many triangles are superimposed on each other in a pyramid form; and inside all these geometrical forms is a point or a sound.
The Point (Bindu):
A point, called Bindu in Tantra, holds a very significant position in the Yantra and is the center of the geometrical structure. The point signifies unity, the origin, and the principle of manifestation and release of the supreme consciousness. The point has great metaphysical significance and is the point of the union between the aspirant and divine. It gives to invisible form a substance, and manifests the invisible enabling the aspirant means to connect with the divine.
The Circle:
A circle is the expansion of a point. The point is the most condensed form of energy, and a circle is its extension. With the radius of desire, this point draws a circumference around itself and it expands. This expansion is growth in dimension, which broadens the scope of a point, yet it also imprisons the point as an individual unit, creating individual consciousness out of cosmic consciousness. Thus, you can connect your individual desires to the cosmic consciousness by concentrating on the circle during the energizing worship.
The Triangle:
A triangle, composed of three lines, is needed to make a pattern or form. A horizontal line representing inactivity and stability forms the base of the triangle. The two vertical lines meeting at a point on the box of the horizontal line represents the principle of movement: the transition from static to dynamic. A triangle pointing upwards draws the attention up and away from the world. It represents the male energy or the Yang forces. A triangle pointing downwards takes the attention down and represents the female energy or the Yin forces. Equilateral triangles represent balance or harmony between the Yang and Yin forces. As our desires take shape or form, we do not lose our balance.
The Square:
A square is made of four lines, two of which are vertical lines representing movement and two are horizontal lines representing stability. Together it creates a balance. Thus the confined space inside the square represents our materialistic need in life, stability, solidity, and contentment.
Lotus Petals:
Concentric Circles:
Finally, the concentric circles around or inside a triangle represent the three Gunas. These are the three primal qualities of nature called “SATWA”, “RAJAS” and “TAMAS”.
The Sri Yantra consists of a series of nine triangles superimposed around a small central circle known as Bindu, forming forty-three Konas (or triangular projections). Four of them called Srikanthas (or the shiva triangles), having their apex upwards. The other five are superimposed upon the former with apex dowards. They are the five shiva-yuvatis (or shakti-triangles).
The Bindu represents shiva-shakti in the union in the casual state from which all the other parts of the diagram, representing the cosmos, are evolved. These are surrounded by two circles of lotuses, one with eight petals (Vasudalam) and the other with sixteen petals (Kalasram). The whole mandala of 16 petals is called ‘Fulfiller of Desire’. The red Devi is Tripureshi, her vidya is Aim Klim Sauh. She is described as ornamented with all gems, carrying a book and a rosary. The 16 yoginis are associated with the attainment of desires by the cultivation or strengthening of power over the mind, ego, sound, touch, sight, taste, smell, intellect, steadiness, memory, name, growth, etheric body, revivification, and physical body. Outside these, are three circles (mekhalatraya) around and a rectangular enclosure (Bhupura) of three lines for the whole figure, with four entrances on the four sides.
Sri Yantra An Ancient Divine Symbol of Sound
The Sri Yantra is a series of interlocking triangles with a perfect ratio of 3.14 or the divine number, Pi. It is thought that this ancient symbol was not intellectually constructed, but that it came to a yogi in deep meditation as a representation of the primordial sound, Aum. This symbol, along with sounds like Aum have incredible healing powers if you just know how to use them correctly.
The Sri Yantra is an age-old symbol – with an approximate origination date of over 5000 years ago – which is meant to heal our minds and hearts. If you know anything about energy healing or healing with sound, then you realize the importance of tuning in to a particular vibratory rate in order to elevate the mind and body from its lower, less ideal states, such as those of sickness and depression. You need not suffer from these states of mind. They are illusions of the first class, and many of us have had them for so long that we forget that our natural state is one of joy, vibrant health and, bliss, even.
The Sri Yantra is a collection of 16 interlacing triangles around a Bindu – which is a point of focus for the mind. Bindu literally means ‘point’ or ‘dot’ in the Sanskrit language. If you are using this as a meditation tool, the center point aims at bringing your awareness to a more and more singular point. If you are using the Sri Yantra as a point of contemplation, then you can imagine that the cascade of triangles within the lotus flower is at once a macrocosm and microcosm of the world you live in, with your perception as it is now. While some see Maya as the destructive display of illusion, or the separation of the Divine Mind from the egoic mind, more accurately, it is simply the creative nature of Creation trying to experience Itself. While Maya may keep the veils of true Divine experience out of our current perspective, it also offers a myriad of ways to get back to the Oneness, our true nature, as evidenced by the interlocking triangles in perfect distance from each subsequent set of triangles based on a Pi ratio. .the creative play of Maya!
There are other places that this ratio exists. It is in nature, for example, and quite prolifically displayed. It is in nautilus shells, in the formation of leaves and petals of innumerable plants. The divine ratio shows up in ocean wave patterns, and you guessed it, sount Divine sound oscillates at perfect ratios for our optimum health and recent studies in DNA prove that divine sound can even change our DNA.
This new scientific study takes sound therapy out of the New Age pigeon hole it has been stuck in and brings it into mainstream science. The way scientists were able to change DNA was by using particular frequencies of sound, which are essentially energetic patterns, which then encode the DNA much like a computer programmer dictates how the software will work on your computer by creating a syntax which it recognizes. In fact, the team led by molecular biologist,Pjotr Garjajev, found that DNA responds to sound in the same way language is formed, and even has its own grammar rules! Apparently, our ‘junk’ DNA is actually highly programmable utilizing the right frequencies, such that illness can be healed and even super-human skills like clairvoyance, clairaudience and intense intuition can be programmed right into the molecular structure of human beings.
Linguists even looked at the probability of Garjajev’s research being swayed by his own bias, and they found that there is no statistical way that our DNA is not orderly in its ‘language’ since repeated ‘words’ show up just like in any other language – ones that get used more often, and others which rarely show up to convey an idea. If, in fact, junk DNA holds the keys to opening our true gifts, then it can surely be utilized with sound frequency, to heal us.
The Primordial Sound of Aum
When we pair these findings with the work of Dr. Emoto Masaru (of What the Bleep Do We Know, fame) and countless other energy healers that have come forth with their findings in recent years, then we can see why sound, i.e., the primordial sound, Aum, was so important to ancient yogis. If our Wholeness is contained in a singular point, but can expand to include all there is, then the focus on that one point, vibrationally, should heal all that is out of whack, by nature of aligning it with its true nature. Some esoteric teachings go as far as to say that the Sri Yantra is the holder of ancient holographic wisdom and healing science akin to that of crystalline structures, like quartz. Others say it contains information about the electromagnetic alignment of our poles to the earth’s ley lines. The Sri Yantra is, for certain, a visual representation of primordial knowledge, and sound is its carry signal.
Might it ALL be connected?
Among the related phenomenon called, crop circles, it is well noted by researchers that the appearances of light phenomena is often repeatedly sighted in the same fields where both natuaral and man-made formations have been created. Might this phenomena also have played a role in the Sri Yantra earth etching? What motivating stimulus inspired the builders to select the site, and pattern? History has shown that one need not be aware of the phenomena in order to be deeply interacting with it.
The Discovery
A very large, perfectly formed, ancient Hindu mandala called the Sri Yantra was discovered inscribed into the dry lake bed by an Air National Guard pilot on a normal training run from a base near Boise, Idaho. This symbol was over a quarter of a mile in length, and consisted of over 13 miles of lines etched into the impacted mud 3”-10” deep. No human or tire tracks were found anywhere near the site. A group of 5 artists from Iowa claimed responsibility for the symbol’s appearance saying they carved the entire design with a garden cultivator during a nine-day period. No other pilots or anyone else reported seeing the design at any stage of construction.
“Analysis of the formation’s line indicated that the soil had been removed, whereas the artists’ garden cultivator / plow method produced small mounds of dirt on either side of their demonstration lines left from where they plowed,” according to ICCRA.
Stranger Yet
Two researchers, Don Newman and Alan Decker visited the site on September 15, 1990, and reported the symbol as being furrowed into the dry lake bed about 3″ deep, noting that the area was noticeably missing any signs of tire tracks or foot prints even though their own tire tracks left 1/4″ deep marks on the crusty surface of the dry lake bed. After further investigation their colleague, Jim Deardorff, wrote the story for UFO Magazine.
A little over a year later, Deardorff learned from Jennifer Brown-Jacobs, who at the time had been head of the Portland UFO Group, that two men had a UFO sighting in the area during this same period. They’d been camping with a sail-plane group at the western edge of the Alvord Desert near that dry lake bed. Their sighting took place the evening of July 5 or 6th around 10 pm. They reported seeing an array of three bright lights, the color of sodium-vapor lamps, forming an equilateral triangular with the apex facing upwards to the northeast. The array occupied about three degrees width and lasted ten minutes.
They didn’t think much of it at the time and when they looked that way again 20 minutes later the lights were gone. However, they noticed a strange small puffy cloud where the lights had been. Extending from the cloud were two straight appendages positioned at 2:30 and 8:30 respectively at 12 degrees overall. They estimated its location as eight miles away and 15 degrees above the horizon. This placed it directly over the dry lake bed. They watched the stationary cloud for about an hour. Due to the eyewitness accounts, the sighting was classified as an unidentified, and was later associated with the Sri Yantra earth scraping. After the story broke, a group of artists claimed they had created the Sri Yantra.
Speculation continued after reviewing all the evidence of this case and researcheres wondered at the improbability of a group of older, well dressed men from another state, would go to such great lengths to convince the public that they were responsible for the design.
Well, now. You Decide!
“It has been noted that certain geometric structures enliven and amplify specific laws or forces of Nature. When these laws or forces of Nature become stronger, they consistently influence the total environment, including human physiology and consciousness.”
Sri Yantra Symbology, see Dee Finey’s Great Dreams.
- The Sri Yantra is a sacred geometry that orginated in India
- It is composed of 9 interlocked triangles
- It is very difficult to draw without errors at the intersections
- There a many variations of the Sri Yantra
- There are many different methods to draw it
- Nobody seems to know what the original configuration is
- There are three main forms of the Sri Yantra: Plane, pyramidal, spherical
Crop circles are geometric patterns that suddenly appear in fields during the night. Some believe that crop circles may be created by acoustic vibration and are believed to be messages from higher intelligence. The geometric shapes are often considered frequency gates. See our related article on the 16-rayed Star Petroglyph in Machu Picchu with similar geometry to the Sri Yantra and based on 16-fold hypercube tesseract physics.
Yantras are expressions of the Deity in geometrical form. Among Shakti worship, the Sri-Yantra is considered the holiest and the most significant of these.
A Yantra is an instrument, or a talisman or a mystical diagram usually in silver or copper. It is also drawn or illustrated sometimes on a special paper using various colors and symbols pertaining to the method of the Yantra to be made. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one’s desires, and fulfill one’s wishes. It is said that the ‘Devas’ (Gods) or Deities (Goddess) reside in the Yantras and by performing ‘Puja’ or worship of Yantras, one can appease the Deities, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences.
Just as each planet has a mantra, a special sound energy, each planet also possesses a yantra or special energy pattern. The Yantra is a special geometric design, the visible form, the energy body of the mantra, and the planet to which it corresponds. Sometimes Yantras supplement the power of mantras, and are as strong as the mantras themselves. If a mantra is the invisible driving force, the yantra is the visible means to gain power and wealth and ward off evil and illnesses, nullify the ill effects of planets, and bring good fortune. They are said to enhance your capabilities and bless one with material comfort and spiritual benefit.
The elements of Yantra:
According to Vedic philosophy the natural elements produce different effects in the Yantra when energized through worship and meditation.
The five elements in this universe are: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether (Akash). To energize a Yantra sit on the ground in an open space, where you can have a clear vision of the sky, holding the image in your minds eye.
The Sri Yantra is composed of a square on the outside with four projections forming a T-shape structure, circles, a row of Lotus petals, and triangular forms inside the Lotus petals. Sometimes there are two triangles overlapping each other, making a six pointed star; sometimes many triangles are superimposed on each other in a pyramid form; and inside all these geometrical forms is a point or a sound.
The Point (Bindu):
A point, called Bindu in Tantra, holds a very significant position in the Yantra and is the center of the geometrical structure. The point signifies unity, the origin, and the principle of manifestation and release of the supreme consciousness. The point has great metaphysical significance and is the point of the union between the aspirant and divine. It gives to invisible form a substance, and manifests the invisible enabling the aspirant means to connect with the divine.
The Circle:
A circle is the expansion of a point. The point is the most condensed form of energy, and a circle is its extension. With the radius of desire, this point draws a circumference around itself and it expands. This expansion is growth in dimension, which broadens the scope of a point, yet it also imprisons the point as an individual unit, creating individual consciousness out of cosmic consciousness. Thus, you can connect your individual desires to the cosmic consciousness by concentrating on the circle during the energizing worship.
The Triangle:
A triangle, composed of three lines, is needed to make a pattern or form. A horizontal line representing inactivity and stability forms the base of the triangle. The two vertical lines meeting at a point on the box of the horizontal line represents the principle of movement: the transition from static to dynamic. A triangle pointing upwards draws the attention up and away from the world. It represents the male energy or the Yang forces. A triangle pointing downwards takes the attention down and represents the female energy or the Yin forces. Equilateral triangles represent balance or harmony between the Yang and Yin forces. As our desires take shape or form, we do not lose our balance.
The Square:
A square is made of four lines, two of which are vertical lines representing movement and two are horizontal lines representing stability. Together it creates a balance. Thus the confined space inside the square represents our materialistic need in life, stability, solidity, and contentment.
Lotus Petals:
- A Lotus represents the 5 natural elements of the universe; Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether in its purest form. The lotus petals in a Yantra usually appear in a circle, which itself is inside a square. These lotus petals are known as the lunar mansion or Chandra (Moon) Mandal and the circle outside is known as the Solar Mansion or the Surya (Sun) Mandala.
- The Surya Mandal is portrayed by 12 lotus petals. This represents the twelve signs of the zodiac that the Sun will move through during the year.
- The Lunar mansion is shown with sixteen petals. The Moon has 16 phases or 16 Kalas during its cycle from new moon to full moon.
- If the petals do not represent either solar or lunar mansions in the Yantra, then it refers to the manifested reality; which is eightfold. This eightfold manifested energy is the phenomenal world consists of fire elements of the Universe. Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Ether together with mind, intellect and ego. A Lotus represents these elements in its pure form.
Concentric Circles:
Finally, the concentric circles around or inside a triangle represent the three Gunas. These are the three primal qualities of nature called “SATWA”, “RAJAS” and “TAMAS”.
- “SATWA”, is the highest quality and is the nature of light, lightness, clarity, harmony, balance, and intelligence. It is the divine quality that brings about the upward movement of the soul. It creates peace, love, and faith and brings the person into a spiritual life.
- “RAJAS” is the intermediate quality and is the nature of energy, action, turbulence, distraction, disturbance, violence and passion. It is the demonic quality and keeps the soul in the middle worlds. It creates aggression, competition and drives the person to seek worldly acquisition and achievement as the main goal in life.
- “TAMAS” is the lower quality and is the nature of inertia and darkness. It is the animal quality that keeps the soul bound in the lower and unconscious realm.
The Sri Yantra consists of a series of nine triangles superimposed around a small central circle known as Bindu, forming forty-three Konas (or triangular projections). Four of them called Srikanthas (or the shiva triangles), having their apex upwards. The other five are superimposed upon the former with apex dowards. They are the five shiva-yuvatis (or shakti-triangles).
The Bindu represents shiva-shakti in the union in the casual state from which all the other parts of the diagram, representing the cosmos, are evolved. These are surrounded by two circles of lotuses, one with eight petals (Vasudalam) and the other with sixteen petals (Kalasram). The whole mandala of 16 petals is called ‘Fulfiller of Desire’. The red Devi is Tripureshi, her vidya is Aim Klim Sauh. She is described as ornamented with all gems, carrying a book and a rosary. The 16 yoginis are associated with the attainment of desires by the cultivation or strengthening of power over the mind, ego, sound, touch, sight, taste, smell, intellect, steadiness, memory, name, growth, etheric body, revivification, and physical body. Outside these, are three circles (mekhalatraya) around and a rectangular enclosure (Bhupura) of three lines for the whole figure, with four entrances on the four sides.
The etching of the Sri Yantra that appeared on a river bed in Oregon in August 1990. |
The Sri Yantra is a series of interlocking triangles with a perfect ratio of 3.14 or the divine number, Pi. It is thought that this ancient symbol was not intellectually constructed, but that it came to a yogi in deep meditation as a representation of the primordial sound, Aum. This symbol, along with sounds like Aum have incredible healing powers if you just know how to use them correctly.
The Sri Yantra is an age-old symbol – with an approximate origination date of over 5000 years ago – which is meant to heal our minds and hearts. If you know anything about energy healing or healing with sound, then you realize the importance of tuning in to a particular vibratory rate in order to elevate the mind and body from its lower, less ideal states, such as those of sickness and depression. You need not suffer from these states of mind. They are illusions of the first class, and many of us have had them for so long that we forget that our natural state is one of joy, vibrant health and, bliss, even.
The Sri Yantra is a collection of 16 interlacing triangles around a Bindu – which is a point of focus for the mind. Bindu literally means ‘point’ or ‘dot’ in the Sanskrit language. If you are using this as a meditation tool, the center point aims at bringing your awareness to a more and more singular point. If you are using the Sri Yantra as a point of contemplation, then you can imagine that the cascade of triangles within the lotus flower is at once a macrocosm and microcosm of the world you live in, with your perception as it is now. While some see Maya as the destructive display of illusion, or the separation of the Divine Mind from the egoic mind, more accurately, it is simply the creative nature of Creation trying to experience Itself. While Maya may keep the veils of true Divine experience out of our current perspective, it also offers a myriad of ways to get back to the Oneness, our true nature, as evidenced by the interlocking triangles in perfect distance from each subsequent set of triangles based on a Pi ratio. .the creative play of Maya!
There are other places that this ratio exists. It is in nature, for example, and quite prolifically displayed. It is in nautilus shells, in the formation of leaves and petals of innumerable plants. The divine ratio shows up in ocean wave patterns, and you guessed it, sount Divine sound oscillates at perfect ratios for our optimum health and recent studies in DNA prove that divine sound can even change our DNA.
This new scientific study takes sound therapy out of the New Age pigeon hole it has been stuck in and brings it into mainstream science. The way scientists were able to change DNA was by using particular frequencies of sound, which are essentially energetic patterns, which then encode the DNA much like a computer programmer dictates how the software will work on your computer by creating a syntax which it recognizes. In fact, the team led by molecular biologist,Pjotr Garjajev, found that DNA responds to sound in the same way language is formed, and even has its own grammar rules! Apparently, our ‘junk’ DNA is actually highly programmable utilizing the right frequencies, such that illness can be healed and even super-human skills like clairvoyance, clairaudience and intense intuition can be programmed right into the molecular structure of human beings.
Linguists even looked at the probability of Garjajev’s research being swayed by his own bias, and they found that there is no statistical way that our DNA is not orderly in its ‘language’ since repeated ‘words’ show up just like in any other language – ones that get used more often, and others which rarely show up to convey an idea. If, in fact, junk DNA holds the keys to opening our true gifts, then it can surely be utilized with sound frequency, to heal us.
The Primordial Sound of Aum
When we pair these findings with the work of Dr. Emoto Masaru (of What the Bleep Do We Know, fame) and countless other energy healers that have come forth with their findings in recent years, then we can see why sound, i.e., the primordial sound, Aum, was so important to ancient yogis. If our Wholeness is contained in a singular point, but can expand to include all there is, then the focus on that one point, vibrationally, should heal all that is out of whack, by nature of aligning it with its true nature. Some esoteric teachings go as far as to say that the Sri Yantra is the holder of ancient holographic wisdom and healing science akin to that of crystalline structures, like quartz. Others say it contains information about the electromagnetic alignment of our poles to the earth’s ley lines. The Sri Yantra is, for certain, a visual representation of primordial knowledge, and sound is its carry signal.